Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Are You Canadian? Regardless, Read this, Watch the Videos and Post Your Comments!

Not too long ago William Shatner, famed Star Trek Captain, star of TJ Hooker, actor in many many many tv shows and movies had an absolutely hilarious skit leading to the saying "I am Canadian". It had the audience in stitches, belly laughter, and in pride of being a Canadian.
Click here to watch

To this day I still remember when movies were played about 25 years ago, when we would stand for the playing of Oh Canada at the beginning.

I am still proud to say that I am Canadian but on another hand ashamed that I am a part of a country that is being governed by our current government.

If you are not aware of the following items, I hope they are of use... they are all public record and available from many locations.

If you know me at all or have read my e-newsletter that I have published over the past 7 years, you would know that I almost never or up to this time very rarely spoke about politics. I didn't speak about politics as it is often just opinion and the purpose of my work is not to try to sway you but to offer a possiblity and an option to better who we are.

You likely also know that my most important values are honesty, being treated equally and in a fair manner, and integrity. What you are about to read is what I haven't said in the past 7 years, but have researched, had my own thoughts and beliefs about, and spoken through and shared with friends and colleagues.

I now wish I had done more of this and shared with you as I now wonder what Canada would look like. I also know it is never too late and that now is the time to share my views on this topic - on the Canadian landscape.

I encourage and ask you to read through this blog article in its entirety, watch the videos and that you forward this information to your contacts... you can copy and paste this article in its entirety OR forward this page to them. Either way, watch the videos below and share what you can.

As always it is your choice to do so... what you see here is a list of important items to consider especially considering that Canada has an election coming up in the next month.

What most Canadians are unaware of is that there are injustices occurring across Canada and in some cases against our own Constitution and therefore illegal. In what is supposed to be a democratic country with the freedom of expression (as long as it does not cause bodily or emotional harm to anyone else) more and more innocent Canadians are being threatened, removed from their work positions for speaking the truth, and arrested or having their names smeared for speaking the truth.

Some key items occurring, under the authority of the Stephen Harper government, are actually in direct violation of our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Canada - the simple truth is that some Canadians either don't know that these issues are occurring or unfortunately they seem so big they don't think that they can have a voice, make a difference and create change.

Here are just some of the travesties occurring under the Harper Government:

"A Commons committee has found the minority Conservatives in contempt of Parliament, essentially charging the ruling party with breaking the rules of government."

"Technicality means Harper government will never be found in contempt of parliament, says @DavidAkin:
This afternoon in the House of Commons, MPs began debating "concurrence" in the contempt report from the Procedure and House Affairs Commitee (PROC). Under the procedural rules, three hours of House of Commons time is allotted for that debate. At the end of that debate, MPs will vote to "concur" with that report which would mean that, for the first time ever, a government would be found in contempt of Parliament.

But there is simply not enough time in the House of Commons calendar today to squeeze in three hours of debate before the House adjourns at 5:30 p.m.

Under the rules, it is up to the government to schedule the remainder of time of debate on the contempt report and its subsequent vote. But the government can reschedule that any time over the next 10 sitting days. That will never happen because this Parliament ends Friday.

So bottom line here: This government will never be found in contempt of Parliament."

"Canada remains the only country to ratify Kyoto and then publicly renounce its 2012 emission targets."

"Just what is the "secret agenda" lurking behind the friendly sweater?

Actually, I don't believe there is one. The truth is that Stephen Harper has already laid out an agenda that would fundamentally change this country - in ways most Canadians would oppose.

While this agenda is not "secret," my guess is few Canadians know about it. That's because Harper, realizing it would be unpopular, unveiled it when Canadians weren't paying attention - in fact, we were sleeping. Sometime in the dark of night last June 20, the Harper government posted a plan on the Department of National Defence's website - called Canada First Defence Strategy - to spend an eye-popping $490 billion over the next 20 years on the military.

Given all the recent buzz about the size of the $700 billion Wall Street bailout in the United States, it's striking to note that Ottawa quietly announced a plan to spend nearly half a trillion dollars on the military, almost in passing."

"Deposed nuclear safety chief Linda Keen is taking the federal government to court to overturn her “unlawful” firing by the Harper cabinet over the Chalk River, Ont., isotope fiasco."

"Since (the reactors in Pickering and Darlington) started operating, the amount of radioactivity in Lake Ontario as measured has more than doubled," he said. "All of that comes from nuclear reactors, mostly the Canadians ones… We unfortunately still have a very smug and complacent nuclear industry in Canada."

"Health Canada raided my loving family – at gunpoint – and kept us prisoners in our own home for 11 hours while they confiscated both business and personal property. I am a naturopathic doctor who sells 100% safe natural products. One of the excuses for the raid was that the totally harmless folic acid (a vitamin) that I sell, did not conform to regulations. Instead of informing me by letter or phone call, Health Canada used SWAT team tactics, which caused us extreme emotional distress as well as irrecoverable financial loss. This unreasonable search and seizure is proof-positive that Health Canada cannot be trusted with the powers it already has.

The Food and Drug Act gives Health Canada the power to "seize and detain for such time as may be necessary any article by means of, or in relation to, which the inspector believes on reasonable grounds any provision of this Act or the regulations has been contravened."

Health Canada has for many years been using this clause as an excuse to remove from the market entirely safe products which are incapable of harming anyone, and in our case are products that many count on to build and maintain their health.

By means of Bill C-6, Health Canada intends to extend its confiscatory powers to every industry that sells consumer goods of any kind. If Bill C-6 becomes law, then every consumer in Canada will be affected by this runaway bureaucracy."

"Canada's 2011 commercial harp seal hunt has begun, and the government of Canada has sanctioned the slaughter of 400,000 baby seals.

In a stubborn and defiant challenge to the rights of other countries to say "no" to seal products, the Canadian government continues fighting the EU ban on seal products and ignores the facts. But there is no economic, scientific or ethical argument that can support the shooting, clubbing and skinning of defenseless seal pups."

"Health Canada imposes draconian measures that resulted in the Suicides of 2 people and the hospitalizations of many more. Are they really protecting the Health of Canadians or the Health of the Pharmaceutical Industry. In 2003 Health Canada seized Truehope's product Empowerplus as it was coming across the border, knowing that it was going to cause harm to Canadians.

Truehope is now involved in a court case against Health Canada, that if won will allow for more freedoms in the Health food industry and prevent Bill C-51 from coming in. If passed, Bill C-51 will basically be the end of the Health food industry as we know it by ushering in Codex. This is a call to action."

And what may be amongst one of the worst items listed here is the following:

“Last summer I had the pleasure of meeting a young girl from Whitby - 18 year old Natasha Borris who was arrested and removed from a GO train and detained for 24 hours without access to counsel or being allowed to call home. Hers is one of many experiences that call out for full investigation. How could so many abuses of civil liberties occur in Canada?” said Green Party Leader Elizabeth May. “Natasha is a bright, passionate and upstanding young Canadian who is concerned for her country and the environment. Though she was never charged, she was warned not to attend any further rallies. Our youth should be encouraged, not intimidated.”

Where does this end? If we do not stand up for ourselves now, what will Canada look like in 4 years? Will we have to spend millions of dollars again and again for elections in another 2 years and 2 years after that?

If this hasn't been enough... the following should be:

Some Canadians have likely forgotten or never even knew about the following in the first place (I didn’t know about this first one until a couple of minutes ago):

---If Harper did this in University, he would have received an F and/or been expelled… then he did it again…



---And Canadians voted for him even after this!

More importantly we see a more real Harper here:


I am a teacher of the law of attraction, a life coach, international advisor for businesses and executives. In all cases and all around I always encourage everyone to tap into your heart and soul and act from that place.

We have elections coming up May 2nd in Canada and I once again am suggesting you do the same as I always have... check in with your heart of hearts and get a sense first if it is for you to vote. Second tap in and decide who you are called to support.

I am not a fan of voting strategically just to remove the current Harper government. My suggestion is to decide which party most resembles what you want to see and more importantly do your best to see through the image, perception, and manipulation by the many parties who simply say what they know you want to hear. I have decided on a party simply because it is the most honest of them all from what I sense and they also use sound logic and numbers to back it up.

If you went through this entire article and are now here at the end, here is some slight comical relief for all of this:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTDSV7Cs3Pk&feature=related – Rick Mercer Show

My name is Joshua Zuchter
