Hi Everyone,
This is going out to you if you have joined and/or are following my blog here on blogger.
In the next few days, I will be deleting this blog as all of my blog entries are shifting over to my new website http://www.joshuazuchter.com/inspirational-blog-articles/ . I invite you to join me there instead and definitely comment and let's chat in that space instead of here.
I look forward to continuing to go deep together and having some fun in the process! Sending my warmest, Joshua
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Personal Declaration: A Deliberate Choice of Being
I allow my day to unfold as it may and I allow myself to experience
joy regardless of the unfolding!
-Joshua Zuchter
Let those who worship evil's might, beware my power
-Green Lantern's light!
This is a very
potent moment in the film as Ryan Reynolds’ character, who was fearful,
actually faces his fear.
The statement helps him to face his fear and move beyond it.
3. What traits, beliefs, and ways of looking at life you uphold in the highest way.
4. How you would choose to feel each day.
5. How you choose to interact with others in the perfect world each day.
Today, I allow myself to experience the profound nature of who I am and in the experience of today, open myself up to the wonder and magic that exists in each moment.
Today I strive for excellence in everything I do. Today I honour and respect my body’s essential needs for life. Today I allow all people to make their own choices as I will also make my own.
Copyright © 2013 Joshua Zuchter. All rights reserved.
Many say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In
some cases that is true, while for others it is not.
The essence of this message though, is significant - The way
we begin our day typically determines how we will feel for the rest of the day.
If our day begins with difficulty, frustration, clutter and resistance, how do
you think the rest of our day is likely to go? Alternatively, if our day begins
with peace, inspiration, energy, clarity, and magic, there is a much greater
chance our day will continue in a similar manner.
For most of us, upon awakening in the morning, we get a
sense of how we feel. Unfortunately, it typically ends there as we then become
victims to those feelings. If we are feeling good then we are good, if we are
feeling bad then we are bad and don’t feel like going into work or potentially
even getting out of bed. The saying ‘he/she woke up on the wrong side of the
bed’ is a great example of how we can become the pawns to our own minds rather
than the players.
What if, however, upon awakening in the morning and before
leaving bed, we face the potential of the day in a more deliberate and
intentional way?
What if, instead of tuning in to how we feel, we choose how
we want to feel and then reinforce and infuse those desired feelings into our
consciousness and literally declare those feelings?!
An incredible tool that I have been suggesting to clients of
late, that we can put to great use first thing in the morning, or for that
matter at any time we need it, is a Personal Declaration. This is similar to a
personal affirmation, mantra or life statement that helps to empower, enliven,
and ground us.
If you know me, you know that I enjoy comic book movies. One
of my favourites is The Green Lantern, played by Ryan Reynolds. Although the
movie’s reviews were not stellar, it had some profound wisdom in it that we can
all utilize.
In fairly brief summary:
The Green Lantern Corps is the name that represents,
essentially these super beings who patrol the Universe and protect it and its
inhabitants from danger. One of the interesting scenes from the movie, (don’t
worry, I know you REALLY want to watch it so I will not give anything
significant away) is when Ryan Reynolds, as The Green Lantern character, is on
the verge of being destroyed. The ‘bad guy’, Parallax is essentially saying
that within a few moments, the Green Lantern will be dead as will the rest of
planet Earth and there is nothing he can do about it.
You can probably guess what happens here. None-the-less, at
that exact time, the Green Lantern begins to repeat the Green Lantern Corps’
In brightest day...
in blackest
night, no evil shall escape my sight!Let those who worship evil's might, beware my power
-Green Lantern's light!

Regardless of
whether anyone thinks this is cheesy or not, this one statement, repeated by the
Green Lantern, helps him to face his fear. Rather than becoming lost in his
fears and his own mind, by repeating this ‘mantra’, he is literally making a
declaration – it is a deliberate and intentional choice of Being.
The statement helps him to face his fear and move beyond it.
There are only
three ways to deal with fear that I know of:
- Take a drug – this, however, only
numbs us to the fear and therefore the fear is still there and we must
stay on the drug otherwise at some point, we will have to face it.
- Suppress the fear – unfortunately the
fear remains for another day.
- Face the fear. In order to do this
however, one needs to be able to be sane and clear enough to do so. One
has to have belief, faith, determination, and the courage to face one’s
fear. This is where a Personal Declaration can provide incredible benefit.
- Gives you energy to arise
- Provides more natural, balanced energy that can sustain you throughout your day
- Nourishes for your Soul
- Helps to keep you grounded and centred emotionally
- Supports being productive
- Helps to create focus for you day
- Fosters more life balance throughout the day
- Fosters more peace throughout the day
- Supports having a clear mind
- Supports you not being affected as much or at all by others and what is going on around you throughout the day
Personal Declarations can include the following elements:
1. What you stand for.
2. What is important to you.3. What traits, beliefs, and ways of looking at life you uphold in the highest way.
4. How you would choose to feel each day.
5. How you choose to interact with others in the perfect world each day.
Here are two samples:
Today I choose to feel empowered knowing that the choices I
make today are a part of the creation of my world.
Today I choose to be relentless in loving others regardless
of whether love comes back.Today, I allow myself to experience the profound nature of who I am and in the experience of today, open myself up to the wonder and magic that exists in each moment.
Today I strive for excellence in everything I do. Today I honour and respect my body’s essential needs for life. Today I allow all people to make their own choices as I will also make my own.
Another example
quoted from the movie documentary What
the Bleep Do We Know, by Dr. Joe Dispenza:
“‘So if we're
consciously designing our destiny, and if we're consciously from a spiritual
standpoint throwing in with the idea that our thoughts can affect our reality
or affect our life -- because reality equals life -- then I have this little
pact that I have when I create my day. I say,
'I'm taking this time to create my day and I'm
infecting the quantum field. Now if (it) is in fact the observer's watching me
the whole time that I'm doing this and there is a spiritual aspect to myself,
then show me a sign today that you paid attention to any one of these things
that I created, and bring them in a way that I won't expect, so I'm as
surprised at my ability to be able to experience these things.
And make it so that I have no doubt that it's come
from you,' and so I live my life, in a sense, all day long thinking about being
a genius or thinking about being the glory and the power of God or thinking
about being unconditional love.”
I recall travelling to a third world country years ago. The
individual who organized the tour did not follow through on what was promised…
so there I was in a third world country, not sure what to do, while at the same
time super angry that it was still occurring. I remember being in a train
station. I had an enormous head ache to the point that I felt like my head was going
to pop off. In that moment, I had a thought to repeat a quote I wrote from
years prior:
‘Cast your judgments aside for you have attracted the Light
of God into your life through all Beings who are manifest.’
In that moment, that quote became my Personal Declaration
because it was the only thing that would temper my mind at the time. I must
have repeated it out loud about 300 or more times until my mind finally let go
and I felt more peace. That Personal Declaration must have saved me somehow.
If you would like to begin using a Personal Declaration, and
for that matter create one of your very own, here are some guidelines to keep
in mind (from an article I wrote about how to create affirmations). The same
principles apply to creating your own Personal Declaration as they do for
creating affirmations or mantras.
If you would like to write one out and want quick feedback
from me, send it along and I will personally give it a bit of attention and
reply with brief feedback for you.
Once you have created
your own Personal Declaration it is time to begin ‘vibing’ in it.
Choose it. Declare it. Step into
it. Make it so.
Say it each and every morning before arising out of bed.
Repeat it throughout the day. If it is long and requires reading, get to the
point where you know it by heart.
Also be open to the fact that as you evolve, so too will
your declaration. You may remove some items, while at other times add.
Make your declaration very personal, meaningful, and so deep
that it stirs your Soul, your mind, and gives you chills each time you say it!
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